Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that severely impacts the memory and other vital psychological functions. It is the most common cause of dementia which leads to the loss of social and intellectual abilities. In this disease, the brain cells deteriorate gradually and die. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease yet, however, it can be treated with the help of medications, useful management strategies, and support.

Identifying the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease can make a lot of difference. It helps you or your loved one to adopt the best treatment alternatives and to keep the severe symptoms at bay for a prolonged time.

The following are some of the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Memory loss
As we get old, the tendency to become forgetful increases and that is completely normal. However, patients with Alzheimer’s disease easily forget recently learned information which can disturb their everyday life. Moreover, memory loss signs even include asking for the same information repeatedly or heavily relying on reminder tools for retaining simple information like sticky notes or smartphone apps.

Diminished ability to tackle daily tasks
Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease can often face difficulties while making or following plans. For instance, daily activities like making dinner, taking care of the home expenses and bills could get increasingly challenging. Patients even struggle to finish work-related responsibilities.

Time and places become confusing
Alzheimer patients are easily disoriented and at times can’t completely grasp the current events. They might forget their way to home or work. Likewise, they could have zero memory about how they got to a particular place or what’s their purpose being in a place.

Misplacing things
Progressive memory loss also leads the patients to lose things which they can’t trace back. Additionally, they might end up keeping things in unusual places. At times, when they fail to find their misplaced items, they might also accuse others of theft.

Vision problem
Alzheimer patients can experience trouble while reading. Furthermore, they can even face issues while determining the right distance and colors while driving.

Social withdrawal
The symptoms might severely affect a person’s social life and work. Consequently, due to lack of motivation, they might avoid public events, stop pursuing their hobbies and spend more time at home.

Mood swings
Due to the significant variations in the brain’s functions, patients might project sudden changes in their behavior. They might suffer from anxiety, depression, increased irritability, and confusion. For example, if they are encouraged to get outside their comfort zone, they might quickly get upset.

Problems with verbal and written communication
People dealing with Alzheimer’s disease might have trouble while participating in a conversation. They might suddenly stop or continuously talk about a single thing. Developing vocabulary problems is also very common, i.e., struggling to find the right word and referring to things or addressing to people with the wrong name.

If you observe a persistent pattern with regards to the signs stated above in your loved one, then immediately seek medical assistance. They will carry out a physical examination and some neurological and imaging tests to confirm the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.