Top Dietary Changes to Make After 50

Top Dietary Changes to Make After 50

Just like aging, the changes in the nutritional needs that come with aging are inevitable as well. Though eating according to the needs of the body for good health is important for all ages, it becomes critically important once one has reached the age of 50. The diet and lifestyle one has followed throughout one’s life has a huge impact on one’s health post 50 years of age. Therefore, it is important to continue the healthy diet or make necessary dietary changes after one attains the age of 50.

Certain changes in the body occur after one crosses the age of 50. This makes it important to focus on eating a healthy and balanced diet. A healthy diet includes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Other than fruits, consuming rice, potatoes, and whole grains are a good addition to the diet of someone who has crossed the age of 50. Some milk and dairy food products, eggs, beans, meat, fish, and other non-dairy protein sources also contribute towards a healthy diet. Foods and drinks that are high in fat or sugar should be taken in small quantities.

Foods that are rich in starch and fiber should be consumed substantially. Fiber-rich foods are good for digestion. It cures and prevents constipation and other problems that come as one ages. Those who want to maintain healthy bones should avoid the consumption of raw bran and wheat bran in cereals as it reduces the body’s ability to efficiently absorb calcium from dairy foods that one would consume.

Iron-rich foods should be added to the diet of people over 50. Iron has many health benefits and a lack of iron in the body leads to less or no energy. People over 50 need energy to perform daily activities without straining their body; therefore, it is important to follow an iron rich diet.

Iron can be found in legumes, eggs, fish (such as sardines), bread, green vegetables, and breakfast cereals that have added vitamins. Fruits rich in iron are namely, watermelon, pomegranate seeds, prunes, currants, dates, mulberries, persimmons, raisins, dates apricot, and sun-dried tomatoes.

Vitamin D is essential for healthy body and healthy bones. Getting sufficient vitamin D helps in preventing osteoporosis. A safe sun exposure is one of the most efficient ways of getting vitamin D. Some dietary sources for vitamin D include oily fish, eggs, certain fortified breakfast cereals, and fortified spreads.

Eating less salt is one of the top dietary changes to make after 50. An increased consumption of salt can raise the blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease or a stroke. While buying packaged food, it is important to check the labels and pick food that have less salt content in them. However, avoiding packaged food is the best way to maintain a healthy diet.

Consuming enough calcium is important for the bones and for avoiding osteoporosis as well. Dairy products are some of the best sources of calcium and protein. Eating lower fat and high fiber foods is important for people when they have crossed the age of 50.

It is important to know what not to eat after the age of 50 as health becomes critically important after that age for everybody. Salt and sugar should be avoided after this age. Bacon is not healthy for older people. Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are habits everyone should cut down on, more so when they have crossed this age. The above mentioned points are some of the top dietary changes one should make after attaining 50 years of age.