Treatment Options for Dementia

Treatment Options for Dementia

Dementia is a term used to describe a progressive decline in the mental ability that goes on to affect one’s working in daily functions. It is not a specific condition or disease but an overall term that is used for the symptoms that severely affect thinking skills. Commonly, dementia is associated with the process of aging. However, it is a widespread incorrect belief and can affect any individual at any age.

Dementia is triggered when the brain cells get damaged. The impact to the brain cells interferes with the ability to effectively communicate and function normally. With time, there is a sudden change in the behavior and feelings of the individual. Sometimes, a distinct region of the brain can get affected and that causes a disruption of functions carried out by that region.

Diagnosis and treatment options for dementia

The diagnosis of dementia is challenging as there are no particular tests available to determine the condition. Also, understanding the type of dementia can be a major issue. Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most common dementia types, and other types are diagnosed after a physical examination and study of one’s medical history and symptoms. Dementia is generally diagnosed after at least two core mental functions are found to be impaired and interfere with daily activities.

Treatment options for dementia will depend upon the type that one is diagnosed with. Most dementia types cannot be cured but they must be managed and treated to improve the symptoms. The different treatment options for dementia include the following:

Memantine This is a medication that regulates the functions of glutamate. This is one of the chemical messengers that help carries out brain functions, such as memory functioning. Typically, memantine treatment is used in combination with other medications.

Cholinesterase inhibitors – These inhibitors include a number of medications such as donepezil, galantamine, and more. They work toward boosting the levels of chemical messengers. These medications are used to treat most types of dementia, but they come with certain side-effects.

Other treatments

While medications are among the common treatment options for dementia, the doctor will also advice other approaches that include the following:

Occupational therapy Dementia is found to sever coping issues and can also lead to fatal accidents if not managed well. An occupational therapy includes understanding the ways to make one’s surrounding safer and help learn coping behaviors. It aims at preparing one to deal with the progression of dementia.

Soothing therapies – There are several soothing therapies that work at reducing agitation and relaxing one with dementia. These treatment options for dementia include massage therapy, music therapy, art therapy, aromatherapy, and music therapy.

Environmental modification – Dementia can cause a sense of feeling clustered and overwhelmed at all times. Thus, making the surroundings more cluster and noise free will help the sufferer to effective function and focus. Moreover, threatening objects such as knives should be moved out of the way.

If not treated and managed in time, the symptoms and condition of dementia can worsen. There are several issues that patients with dementia may suffer from and these include depression, alcoholism, vitamin deficiencies, severe side-effects, and more. Thus, it is essential that loved ones around lend support and love to help effectively cope with the condition.